ROMET is a French company founded in 1959 in the department of Mayenne. It is an experienced dealer of agricultural machinery and specialized accessories and equipment for the agricultural industry. The ROMET Group offers expertise and maintenance for used and new agricultural machinery such as tractors, harvesters, balers and similar machines and services.
Masterflex areas of application hoses
FeedWest is a French company founded in 1994 that offers a mobile service for processing grain on farms. FeedWest vehicles travel from farm to farm to grind grain. The services also include services such as crushing, pressing and mixing grain. Farmers use these services and do not have to invest in additional costly equipment on the farm. FeedWest is a long-standing customer of specialist dealer ROMET. The Master-PUR Performance hose is an important component in the extended trucks.
Jérémie, an employee of the dealer ROMET, explains in the video interview:
"The hoses that were originally fitted to our customer FeedWest's trucks were completely unsuitable for daily use. We explained the problem to FeedWest's maintenance manager to our contact at Masterflex and relatively quickly decided that the Master-PUR Performance hose system was the ideal solution. The antistatic hose is comparatively light, robust and supple enough on the inside to be able to suck up and transport the grain well."
Anthony Boulet, employee of FeedWest, says in the video interview:"We got to know Masterflex through the company ROMET and our agricultural machinery mechanic, who takes care of the maintenance of the machines on a daily basis. Hoses from other manufacturers quickly developed cracks and holes. It was difficult to work with these parts. Our requirements for the hoses are: Reliability, weight and that they are easy to handle. As our FeedWest trucks have connections on several sides, the hose must be very flexible. The inside of the hoses must also be smooth so that the grain can flow through continuously. This actually works perfectly with the Masterflex hoses!"